We prepare you for the future, today!
We prepare you for the future, today!
We prepare you for the future, today!
Dear Parent/s
Thank you for your interest by visiting our website, it is much appreciated!
Please carefully read the information on our web pages.
Should you need any assistance to register or require more information, please call or WhatsApp me - 067 404 9918
E-mail: info@growingroots.co.za
Kind regards
Marcélle Huysamen
Homeschooling have been legalized in South Africa by the South African Schools Act Nu. 84/1996 Sub-Article 51.
The Bela Act also includes homeschooling as a legal alternative for educating your child. It promotes quality checking to ensure that learners receive professional education.
You may school your child at home and Growing Roots Homeschooling is there to help you to educate your child in the safety of you own home environment without your child having to experience unnecessary stress.
It is so important for a young child to experience "learning" as a positive adventure.
You can now ensure that your child receives the much-needed personal attention, love and understanding during each lesson that only a parent can provide!
You will be able to evaluate that your child can read properly, and that He/she can understand the meaning of the words. You will also be able to evaluate that your child can do the mathematical work.
We will always be available to assist you with the schoolwork, but please understand that you need to be self-motivated and disciplined to follow your planned daily schedule.
How does our home education program work?
Growing Roots Homeschooling (Pty) Ltd. is a registered South African Homeschooling Service Provider - we are NOT affiliated with any other online home education or state-owned
We provide a CAPS based curriculum with subjects in Afrikaans and English for Grade R to Grade 9 learners.
Our purpose is to provide quality books, information and conduct the assessments for the CAPS subjects to parents what wish to follow their own program, especially for children that cannot follow a set schooling routine/timetable.
Although we are based in Pretoria, our Study Bundles are easily delivered anyware in South Africa as well as other countries, including to Ekspats overseas for many years now!
Courier costs will vary depending on which country you reside in, but we will determine the cost, and it will be discussed with you.
Grade R!
At the very start and throughout your child's schooling career, it is essential that you obtain excellent books that are compiled by professional education experts. The published books that we provide involves superior CAPS coverage and teacher support.
Regarding our grade R learners' emphasis is placed on Language, Mathematics and Life Skills.
We also provide you with a Daily Grade R Program. Every day an experienced teacher is at you service should you require any assistance, just WhatsApp or give us a call!
This Daily program that we provide serve as proof to the coordinator of the Department of Education that you are working according to a structured academic program.
The important objective of this course is to help prepare your child for Grade 1 registration.
Included in your Study Bundel is our School Readiness Test that is assessed by us to ensure
that your child is ready to register for Grade 1.
Included in your Grade R Study Bundle:
- Registration and Administrative costs for the year are included
- The Activity Book for each subject - no extra cost to download and print other material
- The Teacher's Guidebook for parents or tutors
- The Grade R Daily Program
- Our very essential School Readiness Test
- Assessments that are conducted by us are included
- After successful completion of the School Readiness Test your Childs very first Progress
Report is provided
- Additional printed study material or information
- The yearly courier costs from Growing Roots Homeschooling to you are included
- All the information and your documentation to register at the Department of Education as
required by the Bela Act
Grade R - Payment options per year
1) R 2 980.00 - Deposit for the year R 1 490.00, followed by 5 x monthly instalments - R 298.00
R 2 980.00 - One-off payment for the Study Bundle.
Registering the learner at the Department of Education:
Grade R to Grade 9 learners are monitored by the Provincial Department of Education by registering your child at the Coordinator of your province. The Department will therefore be informed that you have chosen Homeschooling as the medium for schooling.
It is compulsory to register a Grade R learner as He/she is now considered to be of school going age.
To assist each parent to notifying the Coordinator of your Province, we do provide you with their E-mail addresses, contact numbers, the Department's Registration Form in PDF format, and all the relevant information and forms so that you as a parent do not have to endure an extra administrative burden.
An academic management program is also provided with the Study Bundle to all our learners from Grade 1 to Grade 9 to
(Grade 10 to Grade 12 learners are exempt from this registration).
The Bela Act:
Again, Homeschooling in South Africa have been legalized by (SASA) the South African Schools Act Nu. 84/1996 Sub-Article 51.
The Bela Bill now signed into law - Bela Act, does not change the South Africa Schools Act but rather promotes quality checking to ensure that a Homeschooling Service Provider or any other private or public school does provide a professional service.
Growing Roots Homeschooling provides you with quality books (Learner's Books, Worksheet Books and Teacher's Guides) compiled by professional education experts and the contents of our books are revised and updated on an ongoing basis. This is relevant to all our Grades and all our subjects on offer.
Our CAPS study material is preferred, and we also provide to you our continued support, formal assessments per term and all relevant information throughout the year to ensure that the same standard is provided as if the learner is attending a public or private school.
We are thankful to mention that some of our current learners residing in different areas were visited at their home by different representatives of the education department.
We passed the inspections with flying colours, because we do provide professional quality CAPS Learner's books, Workbooks and Teacher's Guides, assessments, registration documentation and all the relevant information and important documentation/forms to parents and learners.
Requirements for Homeschooling Service Providers and Parents:
Parents must please accept that Growing Roots Homeschooling, just like any other school
must adhere to the strict requirements of the Act.
Again, the Bela Act promotes quality checking to ensure that a Homeschooling Service Provider or any other private or public school provides a professional service, therefore ensuring that higher a standard of education is maintained throughout.
It is now compulsory for parents to ensure that their child receives quality education and professional study material whether it is at a homeschool service provider, private school or public school.
No child of school attending age may go without schooling/. Parents/Legal Guardians are now compelled to cover all expenses of the child’s education.
The Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements is a national policy set out by the Education Department that states what should be included in the curricula of schools for each grade in South Africa as well as how it is to be assessed and tested.
The CAPS based curriculum ensures consistency and guidance for teaching, therefore the quality of Learner’s Books, Workbooks and Teacher’s Guides that we provide fully comply with the requirements of the Education Department.
The CAPS policy requires that Learner’s Books had to come with a detailed Teacher’s Guide’s that gave a week-by-week breakdown of what is needed to cover for each subject and grade. You therefore obtain detailed work schedules, assessments, answers, and strategies for teaching in the books that we provide. - You will never have to buy any external assessment program!
Please note:
Parents do not have to be qualified teacher's to successfully present class. That is the reason why we provide the Teachers Guide's for each subject that have been compiled by professional education experts. We are also at your disposal every day to assist you with any academic or administrative problems.
We provide a CAPS based curriculum therefore ensuring that a learner does not receive a sub-standard education. The CAPS' based curriculum is preferred by the Education Department, and it is recognized by universities and colleges in South Africa.
Private and Public schools in South Africa must also adhere to the CAPS policy.
It is important to remember that learners can continue to study through Growing Roots Homeschooling. You will never have to change your curriculum to obtain the (NSC) National Senior Certificate.
Learners with learning difficulties, or leaners that need a longer time span to complete the work and learners that are hard of hearing will definitely benefit by utilizing our unique Study Model for homeschooling.
Learners with an approved concession for dyscalculia (exemption from mathematics) must choose a seventh subject in the place of mathematics. We can help you with a concession application before enrolling with us.
The Growing Roots Study Bundles are really affordable:
Included in your Grade 1 to Grade 9 Study Bundle:
- Registration and Administrative costs for the year are included
- The Learner's Books for each subject - no extra cost to download and print other material
- A Teacher's Guidebook for each subject, including a Worksheet Book or CD
- Tests, Worksheets and Assessments have already been compiled in the books
- The Growing Roots Assessment Forms are provided
- Assessments that are conducted by us are included for each term
- A Progress Report for each term, and the Year-end Report
- A 96-page Lines Book is provided for each subject
- Additional printed study material or information
- The yearly courier costs from Growing Roots Homeschooling to you are included
- All the information and your documentation to register at the Department of Education as
required by the Bela Act
* * Included is an experienced teacher at your disposal every day, just give us a call!
* * * We do not charge you with any additional or undisclosed costs!
Growing Roots Homeschooling Registration Procedure:
When your Online-Registration Application Form have been submitted, you will receive our registration procedure information via E-mail on the same day.
Having been involved with Homeschooling since 2000, we have learned through experience to provide to you a complete product where everything is included and to provide prompt service.
* Please note:
Growing Roots Homeschooling is a registered company therefore our forms, documentation and any other information that we provide are protected by The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission of South Africa.
Office Hours: 08h00 - 16h00; Mondays to Fridays.
Should you require any assistance with the schoolwork and account, or administrative related matters please send a WhatsApp, E-mail, or give us a call!
Couriers are contracted to ensure prompt delivery of the Study Bundles.
Please go to our Study Model page after you have carefully read the information above.
The Growing Roots Study Bundle is the most affordable. All the Textbooks, additional printed study material as well as the Teachers Guides and CD’s are included. Courier costs from us to you for the year are also included.
Growing Roots Homeschooling provides all South African parents and
Ex Pats the opportunity to personally tutor and empower your child successfully academically during his/her years of schooling.
It is during this early development phase that you need to ensure that your child experiences the process of “homeschooling and learning” as a positive and never as a negative challenge.
Our team headed by Marcélle Huysamen is supported by dedicated personnel who have personal experience in the South African homeschooling environment as tutors.
We also employ personnel with many years of experience in all administrative related matters. The Study Bundle packages are managed by our personnel to ensure quality and prompt service.
Yes, “we drank our own cool-aid, we got the t-shirt”. We are fully committed to empower and guide parents/tutors and learners to achieve great success.
Ben Franklin.
Nelson Mandela.
Carl Rogers.
Clay P. Bedford.
John W. Gardner.
Winston Churchill.
All Rights Reserved | Growing Roots